Traction Splint

Traction Splint

৳ 15,000.00


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Traction Splint


    অর্ডার করার পূর্বে পণ্যের বর্তমান মূল্য ও স্টক ০৯৬১৭৭৭৮৮৭৭ নাম্বারে কল করে জেনে নিন।


    The traction splint is a large splint that is particularly used for injuries to the femur the bone in the upper thigh. It provides mechanical traction to relieve pain and reduces the risk of further vascular and nerve damage on patients with suspected long bone fractures.

    » Used for fractures of the femur
    » Reduces pain as well as it
    decreases the bleeding into the
    soft tissue

    What the traction splint does is slightly pulling the broken bone in order to help stabilize it and take pressure off from the injury. When fracturing the femur, the incredibly strong surrounding muscles (quadriceps) begin to spasm, pulling the bone ends past each other. This is very painful for the injured person. It may also lead to further damage to muscles and nerves, as well as internal and/or external bleeding. Due to the its proximity to the femoral artery, an isolated femur fracture may cause death by hemorrhage – why the use of a traction splint is important!


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    Hi, eSmart Bangladesh
    I Need Quotation For
    Product :- Traction Splint
    Sku:- 40648
    Price:- ৳ 15,000.00